
Escort Jasmine

Escort in London - Jasmine
Escort in London - Jasmine
Escort in London - Jasmine
Escort in London - Jasmine
Escort in London - Jasmine
Main information
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Height (cm)165
Weight (kg)50
Intimate haircutShaved
Type of breastNatural
CountryUnited Kingdom
1 hour-100GBP
2 hours-200GBP
Night price-300GBP
Added2018-01-14 08:23:06
Hi, I’m Jasmine. If you need to make a profile of me in your head, then here are my details. I’m 26 years old, 171 cm tall and I weigh 56 kg. With the most innocent blue eyes and… this is about everything that is innocent in me. Sexy, naughty blone who knows how to deliver the best. Since that’s what you’ve come for, I suppose.
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