
Escort Audrey

Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Escort in London - Audrey
Main information (PHOTO VERIFIED)
show phone number
Height (cm)165
Weight (kg)65
Hair colorBrown
Eyes colorBrown
Size bustB
CountryUnited Kingdom
1 hour--GBP
2 hours--GBP
Night price--GBP
Don't forget about the ability to have a great time with a stunning Audrey escort girl. She will show you what the real life is about to feel like a man without any kind of regrets. Audrey will make you totally ready for some more action and feel more confident and passionate about the ability to spend a great time with a sexy woman. Incall Rates: 30min - 130e/400TL1hour - 200e/650TL 2hour - 350e/1100TL3hour - 500e/1500TL
Outcall Rates:1h - 250e/750tl + taxi expences2h - 400e/1200tl + taxi expences3h - 550e/1550tl + taxi expencesExtra Charged: 50e/150tl - CIM, CIF, GSAll services on the website are listed as given by Audrey. To make sure there are no misunderstandings feel always free to ask for your wishes before your meeting starts.
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